Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bible Verses: Verses That Contradict Each Other [CRAZY Bible Contradictions]

    Bible Verses: Verses That Contradict Each Other [CRAZY Bible Contradictions]

    As I read the Bible, I sometimes find some verses that seem… contradictory.  We get it; It can be challenging to understand the Bible’s teachings when different passages seem to contradict each other. One example of conflicting Bible verses is the concept of forgiveness. On the one hand, we are told to forgive others unconditionally, […]

  • Which Bible Verse Is The Longest? [Depends On This]

    Which Bible Verse Is The Longest? [Depends On This]

    As I’m sure you know, each verse offers profound wisdom and insights within the Bible – but have you ever wondered which Bible verse is the longest?  That distinction is held by Esther 8:9. This verse consists of 90 words in the King James Version and 80 words in the ESV translation. Despite its long […]

  • The Things The Bible Bans [Do Not Do These]

    The Things The Bible Bans [Do Not Do These]

    I have found that the Bible is a moral and ethical guidebook. It provides us with rules and commandments to follow to be good and righteous people. There are also things that we should not do according to the Bible. These are actions that are considered sinful and go against God’s will. Understanding Sin in […]

  • The Verse That Is The Exact Center of The Bible: Discover Its Hidden Meaning!

    The Verse That Is The Exact Center of The Bible: Discover Its Hidden Meaning!

    As I was reading the Bible, I stumbled upon an interesting question: what is the exact center verse of the Bible? I was curious to know if there was a specific verse that could be considered the center of this holy book. After doing some research, I discovered that there is no clear answer to […]

  • What Happens When You Drop The Bible? [Answer Revealed]

    What Happens When You Drop The Bible? [Answer Revealed]

    When I dropped the Bible for the first time, I was filled with a sense of dread. I had heard stories about how dropping the Bible was considered a grave sin, and I was worried that I had committed an unforgivable offense. It wasn’t until I did some research that I realized that dropping the […]

  • The 4 Different Parts Of The Bible [The Secrets Of Scripture]

    The 4 Different Parts Of The Bible [The Secrets Of Scripture]

    The Bible has four main parts, each with its unique style and content. These four parts are the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible and comprises 39 books. It tells the story of the Jewish people and their relationship with God. […]

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